Guild of Project Controls: Compendium | Roles | Assessment | Certifications | Membership

Project Planning; Cost control; Performance Monitoring; Project Control; Risk Analysis; Claims

Senior Planning and Control Engineer, MDC (Makati Development Corporation), 1. Seda Hotel: 3 Basement, 3F Podium, 20F Commercial 2. ALVEO - High Park: 2 Towers, 5 Basement, 2 Podium, 35F/47F Residential Floors

START Date: 
February, 2016
Lead the project team in the creation of Master Contract Programme (MCP)
Assist CMG in the creation of Project Pre-Execution Plan (PrEP)
Assist COG in the creation of Project Execution Plan (PEP)
Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 

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