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Excavate & Reduce Levels

Excavate By Hand

Trenches (m3/hr)    


Depth in Metres->Ne 1.51.5-3.03.0-4.5
Sand/Soil lose0.660.450.33
Sand/Soil firm0.570.380.28
Clay/Heavy Soil0.460.310.24
Boulder Clay0.380.260.19
Pits or Bases Ne 2 m2 (m3/hr)                  
Depth in Metres->Ne 1.51.5-3.03.0-4.5
Sand/Soil lose0.50.33 -
Sand/Soil firm0.430.29  -
Gravel0.340.23 -
Clay/Heavy Soil0.350.24 -
Boulder Clay0.280.19 -
      Hand Transportation of Spoil (m3/hr)           
0 - 10 m6.25
10 - 20 m3.23
20 - 50 m2.13
      Trim Excavation (m3/hr)             
Ave ThicknessSandGravelClayBoulders
0 - 25 mm20.0016.6720.0014.29
25 - 50 mm11.11 8.33 9.097.69
50 - 75 mm7.69 5.88 6.25 5.00
75 - 125 mm 5.56 4.35 4.55 3.70

Reduced Levels (D6 Dozer)


Not Ex .25m - 45m3 per hr

Not Ex 1m - 60m3 per hr

Ex 1m - 75m3 per hr

Market Place

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