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Excavate & Spread and Level

Small Scale Spread and Level By Hand

Including load and wheel an average of 20 m from tipped heap (m3/hr)  
Layers -> n.e.25mm 25-75mm 75.200mm Exc.200mm
n.e. 200 m2 1.03 1.03 1.12 1.23
exc. 200 m2 1.37 1.37 1.49 1.64
n.e. 200 m2  - 0.86 0.93 1.03
exc. 200 m2  - 1.14 1.23 1.37
n.e. 200 m2  - 0.85 1.02 1.27
exc. 200 m2  - 1.02 1.27 1.69
    Spread and Level By Crawler Shovel   Rates in (m3/hr)  
Machine Bucket-> 0.6m3 0.8m3 1.0m3 1.2m3
n.e. 200 m2 18.67 38.46 43.48 52.63
exc. 200 m2 24.39 50.00 55.56 66.67
n.e. 200 m2 18.87 38.46 43.48 52.63
exc. 200 m2 24.39 50.00 55.56 66.67
n.e. 200 m2 15.87 31.25 37.04 43.48
exc. 200 m2 19.23 40.00 47.62 55.56
n.e. 200 m2 17.24 35.71 43.48 47.62
exc. 200 m2 22.22 45.45 55.56 62.50


  • n.e means "not exceeding"

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