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Method to calculate production rate of a welders

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vellu shanmugam
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Please help to calculate the production rate of a welder to weld a steel length of 122 linear meter with 25mm thickness?

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Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Vellu

Suggest using following for manual welding;

  • 25 mm full penetration weld  between 6hr/ml and 10hr/ml
  • 25 mm fillet weld say leg lenght 10 mm between 1.5hr/ml and 2.7hr/ml

The spread  dependent on conditions and location


Regards Johannes 

andrew smith
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I had no idea such a formula even existed, but I am sure it's quite useful if you have a welding business and need to figure out how to cut the costs. As far as I am concerned, the miller welders I used to build my porch iron railing was more than enough for the job.

Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear vellu,

This depends on:
a. the process that you are using
b. the thickness of the welding wire
c. the capacity of the machine
d. the approved welding procedure.
e. the number of machines

I would recommend that you use MIG semi automatic or automatic welding with 1.2 or 1.6mm thick wire. Depending on the machine that you have.

The rate of deposite depends on the welder. The average rate is around 250 linear meters per shift (12 hours) per welder for 10mm size weld. This is a rough figure you can use. If you are doing NDT after the Root weld, then this you need to stop until the results are completed.

Usually this size weld will require 100% MPI+UT+RT and if you are using this place for Pressure Vessels, then you need PWHT as well with hardness testing afterwards.

The best source of information would be the Factory Manager or Welding Engineer or Fabrication Supervisor at the shop in place.

With kind regards,

Shah. HB
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check this formula

Productivity rate =[work quantity]/activity duration*resource useage