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Comparison on Planned on Actual

2 replies [Last post]
Vijayendra Surve
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Can any one help me which is the correct steps of comparison betwen Actual & Planned resources in P3 & P6 .


Vijayendra Surve
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I want to show a comparison on Planned resources & Actual ,in P3 n graphic report i am getting different value while in tabular its different so atleast tell me correct steps in to get this comparison.
As you said P6 its very different but even here also there is not excat provosion of baseline VS Actual.
David Kelly
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P3 and P6 are very different here. Especially in the definition of what the word "Planned" means!

Planned in p3 refers to data from the target plan (which P6 calls a baseline)

Planned in P6 refers to the original early dates in the current plan

Can you be more specific about which version you are using, as theirt is more than one option within P3 and P6 to do this.....