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Bill Of Quantity

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Satyanarayana Raj...
User offline. Last seen 10 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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i have a problem in primavera, How to seperated the bill of quantity units and generate the monthly report.

ex :

Earth work in Filling units -3800265 cum and rate 233 rs per cum for two years

How to divide the the units (Material (Earth) + labour(Labours )+non labour(Equipments used)) Is der any ratio of seperation in that

Please help me in seperation of the quantity.


Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 7 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Hi Satyanarayana

There is no standard ratio - particularly in earthworks.

You have to refer to the pricing structure in the Cost Plan / BoQ.

The company estimator should provide the breakdown over Labour Plant Materials etc.

If the price was obtained from a sub-contractor the he is unlikely to reveal his price breakdown.

Then you will have to go back to basic principles and extract the time driving resource from the price.

In your backfill example the contruction plant will constitute the bulk of the value and of that sector the haul units will drive the production.

Labour will have very little impact in the form of banksmen etc. even considering the practice in India of using labour for compacting backfill.

Best regards

Mike Testro