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What is critical path?

12 replies [Last post]
Chris Austin
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this is way where you don’t have a stop-over to take a nap and have to reach the destination with a basket full of unshattered eggs! safely. I hope you got what i mean!
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
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In the critical path method we determine some activities that hanve no total & free slack.
Richard Spedding
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I suggest we all just ignore Mr Austin’s ridiculous posts - they obviously don’t attempt to add to the sum of planning knowledge, as David says they are from a recruitment consultant not a planner.
Clive Randall
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wrong side of the bed David???
David Bordoli
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Oh how we were all fooled by the once Forensic Claim Analysist, now exposed Recruitment Consultant Chris Austin!

So Chris... do you now understand what the Critical Path is?

As a Recruitment Consultant I doubt you were thinking about the same thing as we planners here - maybe the answer you were looking for was ’the shortest route to the nearest pub’ - more your kind of thing eh?
Chris Austin
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Thanks ashraf
ashraf alawady
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critical path is the longest path connecting the critical activiries of a project fom the staring of that project to the comletion date of the project.

by the way, the critical activities are the activities have total float = zero.

the total float is the difference between the early start and late start and the early finish and the late finish.
David Barker
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give him a break he’s only a forensic claims analysis
Clive Randall
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Chris are you seriously telling me you dont know what a critical path is or what float is?

David Barker
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refer to the blogg on terminal float you might get an idea of float from that
Chris Austin
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Sorry to be ignorant, but what do you mean bby float?
David Barker
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All activities that have no float defines the critical path