For a forensic claim I need to summarize and consolidate several activities as allowed in the forensic protocol.

This is a job where there is only a Baseline Schedule submitted and an intermediate update that was never submitted. For this reason I have selected the But-For method or Collapsed As-Built as defined in AACEi 29R-03 2011 under section 3.8. Modeled / Subtractive / Single Simulation (MIP 3.8).
I believe a lot of time and effort can be saved to all parts if the As-Built is based on the original baseline with some activities consolidated into a single activity so that only start and finish of this activity is to be substantiated instead of the dates for each of the activities. Similar to summarization but not exactly as there will be no need to guess and substantiate the details of consolidated activities.
My target is to limit consolidation to activities in a chain with no outside links and perhaps very few exceptions modeling the consolidated links using double dependencies not available in any other software.
To this point seems like nirvana, everything perfect. But making sure there are no outside links is kind of time consuming. I need to be able to select my prospects to consolidate and display only the links of the selected activities intead of the confusing web that is displayed when all links are shown.
Is there a simple way to do this?
Best regards,