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Import activity data from excel

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Saied Aliuzzama
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I have an ongoing project for expressway of about 900km.
i am getting error: "Activity Id field not defined" while importing the activity data from excel file, which is save in .wk1 format.

Any solution at earliest will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Saied Aliuzzama


Philip Jonker
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Hi Saied,

The the way to import from excel is by using the database file format ( ie .DBF).

To do this is simple, first export some dummy activities from P3 to a .DBF file (this facility exists in P3). Go to Toolsproject utilitiesExport, and set up the format (ie fields/columns) you want to export to. Remember you must always include the activity id. Further, the file name for a .dbf file should never exceed 8 characters, and these should preferably be alpha or numeric characters.

You can then open this file either in Excel or Access. Excel is the better option. You can the erase the dummy activities and keep the headings as a template. If you are creating an activity file the fields you need to export is Activity ID; Activity Description; original duration; Calendar; activity codes.

Once you have the template add the activities that you want to add with their codes, durations etc. When you are ready to save, in Excel, open a new file, and copy paste your file into the new file. Save this file as a .dbf, remembering the rule about 8 characters. Once this is done import the file into P3. Another rule is make sure you do not duplicate activity ID’s.

The reason for using the .dbf formats, is that P3, Excel and access have less problems as this is a standard format used by all three these programs, and hence there are less pitfalls.

Hope this helps,


Philip J

Rajesh Moolakkandam
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Never create a wk file of your own.The best way is as Mr Razi Khan suggested-export your project to wk format. But remember to select all data fields from the current/base layout as required.
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Hello Saied,

you have to check your range before you import activity data from excel(i.e exporting of data to p3). if the range is not selected properly, redefine the range, then exporting the data to p3 will not be a problem.


Razi Khan
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Hello Saied

First export the fields into a file of WK1 format. Then fill the same file with datas. Then Import from the same file.

Hope it will solve your problem.