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Bidding Schedule for EPC

2 replies [Last post]
Wally Boy Casuga
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Dear all,

Good day! I was asked to draft a bidding schedule for Engineering and Procurement as well as construction management for an H2 project. Can somebody extend their helping hands?




Wally Boy Casuga
User offline. Last seen 9 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Mike, Thanks. Been trying to delete the 2 posts but cannot find the option. I've been given the duration already for the aforementioned tasks. What I'm after are the processes/activities involved in EPC bidding. Do you have sample schedule either in p6 or MS project that I can refer?

If in case, can you kindly email at this id?



Mike Testro
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Hi Wally - welcome to planning planet - next time only hit the "save" button once.

The basic principle of a bid tender is to see if the work can be completed in the stated contract period.

Do not try to squeeze durations to make it fit - that is for the bid manager to decide after he has all the facts.

So make sure your durations and logic is correct - particularly with the Engineering / Procurement sections.

Work at level 4 with FS links.

Make sure that the Employer's deliverables are set with clear milestones linked ALAP to the Contractor's task.

Best regards

Mike Testro