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Loading Schedule with Maanhours

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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For our client we need schdules uploaded with manhours (Not Decipline wise).I am confused that when we talk about manhours for aa certain activity then does it means that the this value of manhours is for each decipline or it is collective.For Example
In Blinding concrete=6 Mhr/Cu.m
Does it mean 6 Mhs for Concrete Mixer,6 for mason,6 for mason helper,6 for carpenter etc....or

it is sum of manhours for each decipline?

In above example I will say that each resource will work 6 hours to pour 1 Cu.m of blinding concrete??Is it correct statement?


Ahmet Tuter
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I would definitely say that 6 mh means the total of all of the manhours going into pouring the concrete.

Clint Marquez
User offline. Last seen 7 years 25 weeks ago. Offline

@SM - You need also to visualize the quantities of each activities.

Like on your example,

1cu.m of blinding concrete (qty) = 6mhr/cu (prod.rate)

> Actually, 1-cu.m of concrete can be done in less than an hour, especially if the area to be poured is quitely open and spacious.
> @ 6mhrs/cu. m- you can do assigning 6-workers for just an hour of work to complete this activity.



Clint Marquez
User offline. Last seen 7 years 25 weeks ago. Offline

@SM - You need also to visualize the quantities of each activities.

Like on your example,

1cu.m of blinding concrete (qty) = 6mhr/cu (prod.rate)

> Actually, 1-cu.m of concrete can be done in less than an hour, especially if the area to be poured is quitely open and spacious.
> @ 6mhrs/cu. m- you can do assigning 6-workers for just an hour of work to complete this activity.



Raymund de Laza
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I understand your point and the illustration you see was just an EXAMPLE of how to define the term "MAN HOUR" in the productivity.


I wouldn't call it productivity rate.

The work will not be accelerated if we will add helpers to this crew.

Raymund de Laza
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Concrete Mixer operator = 1 hr

mason = 2 hrs

mason helper = 2hrs

carpenter = 1 hr


The sum of hrs they work = 6 man hrs

means 6 man hours for 1 cu m of blinding is the productivity rate.