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Hot Tubbing

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Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 8 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 4418

Hi All

In Arbitration "Hot Tubbing" is when expert witnesses from both sides sit at the central table and are questioned directly by the tribunal.

I know because it happened to me for the first time last week in Dubai.

The experience was not so daunting because the same process is used all the time in Adjudication hearings.

Best regards

Mike Testro


Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 8 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 4418

Hi Mohammad

As I said earlier the experience was very similar to an adjudication hearing which I have experienced a number of times.

In this case I followed the advice of more experienced experts which was:

1.  Know your brief inside out.

2.  Keep your answers short and to the point - either Yes or No is ideal

3.  Always tell the truth and you will not be caught out.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Mohammed Taha
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 “Hot tubbing” or “concurrent evidence”, as it is less scarily known, is a method of giving evidence where both experts (or witnesses of fact) sit in the box together and the tribunal chairs a discussion between them.

The format differs from case to case, but the judge or arbitrator will ask questions as part of the discussion and counsel for either side may join in. The parties can also suggest questions for the tribunal to ask.

Can you tell us your experience in this matter?