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Peace needs dialogue

3 replies [Last post]
David Kelly
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Posts: 630

Which part of the peace process is helped by removing Vladimir's email from Plannng Planet?


David Kelly
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Posts: 630

In detail, Bogdan, I can tell you that on trying to message Vladimir using the PP contact screen, it told me that there was no email address associated.

PPADMin are very clear, and were very fast, to check and email me as per their public reply posted here.

My email browser is as protected as you would expect of someone who has been in IT for fifty years. If the JavaScript I have enabled is poorly written, I have occasionally blocked functionality that I would expect to work.

I emailed Vladimir using his Gmail account.


Just a note to confirm that no one has changed, removed or limited Vladimirs account.  His email is still live in the system.  If you are getting emails bounce back that will be due to his email system.

Hope this helps.

Bogdan Leonte
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Posts: 285

When did this happen? Why would anybody remove his email from PP????