Hi guys,
Given below are list of interview questions faced by Planning Engineer , other than their personal and Experience. if anyone like to add more u are welcome pls .............
I would appericiate if some has brief answer of the questions listed below.
Q-3: What are the three basic PROCESSES for preparing the baseline program?
Q-4: You have just received the baseline program form your contractor what are the few major things you will check immediately?
Q-5: What are the components of Baseline program?
Q-6: How you will load the resources & Cost in your baseline program using P3 & P6?
Q-7: What is an S-Curve? And how many types are there?
Q-8: Why we use Curves instead of bar charts?
Q-9: What is the difference between Bar chart & Schedule?
Q-10: What is the difference between schedule & baseline?
Q-11: You have approved the baseline program of a contractor now what will be the next step?
Q-12: what is the difference between Duration% Compo and Physical % Comp.?
Q-13: What is the difference between physical % and % weight age? And what is the difference between weighted % and Un-Weighted %?
Q-14: what are three parameters for % weighted in any project?
Q-15: Being a contractor what is the most important parameter for % weight age? And as a consultant which parameter of % weighted you will use for progress monitoring?
Q-16: How you will breakdown the % weighted of a building project from start to finish?
Q-17: The contract has submitted the claim for EDT how you will analyze this claim? Define the steps for claim analysis?
Q-18: Your program is showing a delay in progress for more than specified time what will you do in this case?
Q-19: What is the difference between TO COMPLETE & AT COMPLETION?
Q-20: What is the difference between Milestone and Flags?
Q-21: What is the difference between Estimate & Budget?
Q-22: What is the difference between recovery program & revised program?
Q-23 what is the difference between Target & Forecast?
Q-24: Draw an S-Curve Showing the Baseline program, Updated Progress, Recovery in progress?
Q-25: How you will present the planned % Complete along with the Actual % Complete in the summary bar of the updated program?
Q-26: How you will show the overall summary of % cornp. at each WBS level?
Q-27: Which planning Software you will be more comfortable with and why?
Q-28: What is the Long Lead Items? And how you will define then in your program?
Q-29: How you will recover the delay in your project?
Q-30: What do you mean by PS Items?
Q-31: What do you mean by PC rate items?
Q-32: what are Thresholds?
Q-33: What is Fragnet?
Q-34: How you will monitor the critical path?
Q-35: Up to which level you will breakdown your activities in your baseline program and in your updated program (for monitoring only)?
Q-36: What is Variance Analysis?
Q-37: What is the difference between controlled milestone & Key Milestone?
Q-38: What do you mean by Concurrent Delays & Critical delays?
Q-39: Have you ever worked with different formats for progress monitoring? And what are those?
Q-40: Your program is showing a delay and you were asked by your manager to print for him a report for the delayed items how you will make it in a quick time?
Q-41: What is the difference between EV & AC?
Q-42: How you will make the Two Weeks Look Ahead from your updated program?
Q-43: What is the typical WBS for a building project?
Q-44: What are the two major types of calendars you will use in your baseline program?
Q-4S: What is a Risk?
Q-46: How you will make the Risk Register?
Q-47: What is the difference between Mitigation & Acceleration?
Q-48: What is the major role of planning engineer in the Project management?
Q-49: What is the difference between Cost & Revenue?
Q-50: How you will define the learning curve? (Give example)