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The 3D Gantt explained in video

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Jean-Yves Moine
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The 3D Gantt resulting from the the 3D WBS method allows to identify project interfaces (co-activity, physical, temporal). It is at the same time a time-location diagram.

BR, Jean-Yves Moine


Jean-Yves Moine
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All the characterics of classical Gantt diagram are taken in charge with what I called the "3D Gantt diagram", simply because anyone know what is a Gantt barchart, and it is almost the same in 3 dimensions. But the 3D Gantt is more powerfull than the classical Gantt, simply because you can identify graphically all the project interfaces as a time location diagram for co-activity interfaces, but, with 3D Gantt you can also identify physical and temporal interfaces.

In a classical Gantt diagram, logical links are supperposed, so you can't see it, whereas with 3D Gantt you can.

BR, Jean-Yves Moine

Patrick Weaver
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Given the historical fact that Henry Gantt did not invent or even like barcharts there pre-dated his work by at least 100 years the whole concept is off to a very bad start – Gantt’s charts were sophisticated production control tools for manufacturing facilities.

Anyone still thinking Gantt invented or used bar charts needs to get up to date and read the materials at: which includes his books and details of his important work as a management consultant. 

Perhaps if people actually called their new charts something accurate they may be taken more seriously.