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Tender Planning

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Alan Chadwick
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I am after cost rates for new railway works, the project will include:

viaducts, ongrade p/way, stations, depots, trackwork, signalling, telecomms, electrificaction......basically it is a new line which is in the early planning stages (pre TWA) so it is a complete turnkey project.

The project is in the UK so i would only be interested in UK market rates.

If anyone knows of any useful websites, if there are any tender planners out there etc please get in touch.


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I recently completed tender planning for a 3.7 Billion USD Light Rail Transit Project. It was a team effort with consortium member. We used primavera P3. I finalized the work brakdown structures to enable merging of individual consortium plans. There were a lot of sessions in coordinating plans involving access dates between the main civil joint venture and train consortium member. The scope of work involve underwater tunnel boring machine with alternative plans for cable stayed bridge, viaducts, LRT stations, rails, signalling, cars, etc. We let the train consotium member develop their own plans. The overall plan was completed by merging the main civil works including MEP plans and the train consortium plan.

We also did chemin de fer (railroad plan) timeline.

The tender planning ivolved the base bid as mentioned. In addition more than 4 alternative plans were generated to comply with the tender. The same cycle as the base bid was done to come up with the alternative plans.