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Primavera 8.2 - Negative Float Issue

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Chris Feagan
User offline. Last seen 10 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Nov 2013
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Our team has run into an issue with negative float being calculated to a Level of Effort task.  Background: We work in a very large Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) that encompasses in excess of 30 individual projects.  These projects have multiple tasks that are logically linked from one project to another.


The current issue: I have a LOE that only has a SS relationship to a task within that project (with 0 Days Total Float) and a FF relationship to another task within that project (with 232 Days Total Float).  The problem is that the LOE indicates -620 Days Total Float.  There are no constraints (Start On or After, Finish On or After, etc.) assigned.  I must be missing something?