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Powerproject v10.3

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Robert Lenton
User offline. Last seen 13 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all you Powerproject experts... I’m a new user to this software, having been on MSP for last 10yrs, so not yet fully conversant with any glitches it may have. I am currently updating monthly progress on a large programme file.
On opening up the procurement branch of the programme the tasks have re-ordered themselves, with the summary headers at the bottom of each bank of tasks, instead of at the top as usual, yet the task sequence seems to remain the same!
Anyone know why this has happened, and how a return it back to how it should look without affecting anything?
Your help would be greatly appreciated, as i have to submit it in 2-days, and i need to re-schedule.


Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 7 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Hi Robert

Asta v 10 has a sort function that is on a hair trigger.

You may have inadvertantly sorted the tasks into date order or similar by double left clicking the column head.

Go to view> Sort> and tick Natural Order and it should come back into line.

Best regards

Mike Testro