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Changing the Format of Summary Bars in P6

3 replies [Last post]
James Bennett
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Hi, I've got a problem that hopefully someone can help me with.  I have created a programme that has several activity codes allocated to each of the tasks, to enable me to group them in different ways (rather than just using a WBS).  Most of the time this programme will be viewed while summarised, so the tasks will not be seen, just the summary bars. 

I don't want P6 to show the bar based upon the code value, as all of my tasks have a value for each code, and it's not the actual code value that matters.  I'd like to change to bar style for the "level", or Grouping Band when I view the programme Grouped and Sorted by the activity codes.

So, for example, if I've got 4 Activity Codes (Code 1 to 4), each with 4 Code Values (Value A to D), the layout (collapsed to the lowest level so I don't see the actual tasks, but see all of the summaries) is:

(I've used a different format and indent for each "level"):


Code 1: A

   Code 2: A

    Code 3: B

      Code 4: C

      Code 4: D

  Code 2: B

    Code 3: C

      Code 4: A

      Code 4: B

    Code 3: D

      Code 4: B

      Code 4: C

Code 1: B

  Code 2: A

    Code 3: C

      Code 4: A


The problem I've got is that whatever I do, the summary bar shown for each of these "levels" look the same.


Thanks all,



Raymund de Laza
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Had you tried the Group and Sort?

Group by Codes will do your requirement.

James Bennett
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Hi Raymund, unfortunately this doesn't work, as I end up with bars on the same "level" with different colours, as they have different code values.  In the example I've given, the first level has 4 different code values (A to D), which results in different bars from the filters.  Thanks for your suggestion though.




Raymund de Laza
User offline. Last seen 33 weeks 9 hours ago. Offline
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Posts: 762


Create a Bar Style... on the Filter, create a filter for the specific Code (Activity Code = Code 1:A) ... change color of the Bars to desired.

Do the same for the rest of the codes.

Don't display Summary Bars... On the bars setting .. Check the box "Show bars when collapsed".

All Bars of activities with the same codes are in the same colors..... when collapsed it will be in the same color as sets.

