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Sequencing and Relationships guidance

4 replies [Last post]
adab azeez
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I have 24 different equipment (3 columns, 10 exchanger, 11 drums) for maintenance. The date and Month of maintenance is not decided yet. And Schedule should be in such a way that, once the Project start date is changed all the maintenance dates have to change accordingly. All equipments can be started at the same day, but due to lack of manpower I have to create a proper sequence for maintenance in primavera. Either by using constraint or by using relationships with lags. What is the Standard Practice out of the following 3 for creating maintenance sequence ? 1. Create a start milestone and link each equipment's first activity with it, keeping some lags. 2. Use Primary constraint "start on" for each equipment's first activity to start maintenance at separate dates. 3. First equipment linked to start milestones and other equipments will be linked without any functionality.


Zoltan Palffy
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glad we could help 

adab azeez
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Thank you guys...Your ideas gave me new ways to explore.
Zoltan Palffy
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#1 is perfered the less constraints the better. 

Anoon Iimos
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I may suggest none of the above. Just use the Data Date to run the schedule. Do not define any links and or constraints on your activities or equipment. However, you need to define and assign your exact resources to your activities, considering calendars, working and non-working hours, shifts (if any), and quantities. Try to run automatic resource leveling and see what happens. And please tell me if this helps. Oh, don't forget that your activities are resource-driven.