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delay analysis

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pari alagan
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In delay anlysis methods which is widley accepted and suitable for projects of value 100 million USD.And how primavera p3 can be helpful in delay analysis.pls can anyone briefly explain the analysis.


X Planner
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yes, you have to go back to your contract what does it read on the method of assesment ,

if you are interested in time impact analysis,

u have to use your updated schedule for a certain month and to apply the delays one by one to calculate the impact of these delays, then substntiate your E.O.T claime based on ur approved program.

Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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you have to check with your contract agreement for the method of delay analysis part. Also you can use your approved baseline programme developed in P3 to show the slippage of activities on the critical path and if it is caused by owner’s delay events, then you can claim for EOT as per your contract agreement. (use your current updated schedule in p3 and keep target schedule as the approved baseline programme)