Guild of Project Controls: Compendium | Roles | Assessment | Certifications | Membership

Planner, Rail Link Engineering, Channel Tunnel Rail Link - Section 2

START Date: 
March, 2000
END Date: 
January, 2003

Transferred to section 2 of the project in March 2000 within the central group, tasked with the  reporting of progress on the early enabling works and the production of detailed programmes for the engineering disciplines. In December 2000 re-assigned to the St Pancras team in preparation for the commencement of major construction works in July 2001. Continued with the engineering programming with a growing involvement with the construction team as contracts were let. In July 2001 transferred to site offices to monitor, report and do analysis on Contracts 102, 125 and 135. These contracts involved dismantling of listed Victorian gas holders, demolitions, roads and utility diversions, construction of a new Council depot. Total value of the three contracts at award being approximately £20m.