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Team Assignment via Reference-Books

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Bogdan Leonte
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Posts: 285


I have a project with many resources that work independently. One activity may have 5-6 resources (Subcontractors), each subcontractor works on a different team since they can work independently.

What are the minimum fields that team reference-books and assigment reference-books must be filled in order to transfer teams and then resources?

Is there any way to do this? I have data regarding activity and subcontractors assigned to the activity.

Best regards,


Rafael Davila
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My approach is to use multi-resources, I use reference books to transfer the multi-resources and make it available, then I assign the multiresources. Because in my job usually a team consists of a single mult-resource all I need to do is assign the-multiresource as if a single resource.




There's more than one way to skin a cat.

Best Regards


Rafael Davila
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Posts: 5230

Better if you figured it out yourself, that was fast!

Bogdan Leonte
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Posts: 285


this was not my question. I have 7 building, each building having it's own list of subcontractors. In total there are over 60 subcontractors. Resources are Subcontractor 1, No of people, productivity. Some activities have several subcontractors, each subcontractor having the works done at a certain floor. The BoQ has about 200 activities, without 7 buildings x 200 activities = 1400 activities. Not many, but not a few. Creating resource assignment referece-book is easy.  But since plastering may have 5 subcontractors and there are many activities which have between 2 and 7 subcontractors I needed a quick way to assign multiple teams to an activity; each team having it's own subcontractor.

I have the answer to the question:
01. Teams reference-books. Minimum fields are: Activity Code, Team Code, Index. When activity is created it has Team 1, Code 1, Index 1. So you must create Team 2, Index 2, Team 3, Index 3; Team 2, Team 3 have the same activity code.
02. Transfer Teams reference-books.

03. Resource Assignments reference-books. Minimum fields are: Activity Code, Resource Code, Resource Quantity, Resource Workload, Index. Productivity you can assign if you intend to use it.

04. Transfer resource assigments reference-books.

It took me about 1 hour to create and transfer about 4200 resource assigments.

Reference-Books are of much value!!!

Best regards,

Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 2 days 8 hours ago. Offline
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Posts: 5230

Creating resource reference books shall be no issue. The issue can be what is the necessary transfer sequence. Say you want to transfer the resources but you do not have the calendars, then creating a calendars reference book and the calendar data transfer shall be done before transferring the resources. I suggest avoiding automatic resource codes in your schedules and use company calendar standards.

I do very basic reference books but cannot live without them.

Best Regards,
