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Reasons to use multiple links between the tasks

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Evgeny Z.
User offline. Last seen 1 year 30 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear all,

possibility to use multiple links between the same 2 tasks is quoted as one of the Spider’s advantage. However the only application of this I could think of is to have SS and FF links from Activity 1 to Activity 2. In case Activity 2 is a hammock type, then it will mirror the duration of Activity 1.

Are there any other applications of these feature?





yes, using both SS and FF links with lags is most common application of multiple links. Usually it is used when two activities may be done in parallel but with some lag,  Links show logical dependencies between project activities and they can be set not only between activity start and finish dates but between any points like 50% of one activity shall precede 70% of another activity.

Multiple dependencies may represent many conditions like next activity may start after 500 m on preceding activity was done and not earlier than after one day since preceding activity start. Both links are SS with lags and you cannot be sure which one will be driving.

Best Regards,
