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Automatic formulas and order of computation

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Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 6 hours 55 min ago. Offline
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Formulas order of computation


At times I would like to control in an easy way the order of computation of formulas, this on an easier way than using scripts. Perhaps a special formula definition that will run a series of formulas in a sequence of my choice. This in combination to the ability to make it automatically would be welcomed, as this is a functionality I use very frequently on all of my schedules.

Perhaps any of you can give me a suggestion, if I am missing something, other than recording a macro script, easy but not as direct, at times when in a hurry, you forget about the macros, I want it to be automatic whenever I chose it to be.




Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 6 hours 55 min ago. Offline
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Posts: 5241


Some way of setting for automatic computation was on my wish list and finally Spider Team found how to do it without affecting the benefits of the way Spider does the computations. But I still need for my formulas computation be done in a specific order. Say a formula computes a value for A, then another formula computes B as a function of A. I need the software to compute new values for A and then using these new values to compute B.

The particular way Spider Computes formulas is more powerful than the way others do, even some loop computations could be defined using circular references the way Excel does with the idea of "Complex Formulas".

There are a few ideas like adding drop down menus for filters and formulae on the tool bar where WBS Level, WBS and Configurations Drop Down selection are available. I also would like for a field available on the tables to specify if the Formula and Filter is to be displayed on the drop down list, I would like to toggle off those intermediate Filters and Formulas used in Complex Filters and on the idea of Complex Formula (as set of formulas to be computed on a specific order).



Marcus Possi
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Posts: 76
Hello Rafael, After The option "execute after cost calculation" everything became easier to us. After everything schedulle calculation we force The cost calculation. Does it answer you expectations ? Regards, Marcus POSSi (by IPod)