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How many shutdown planners should I have?

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Aaron Morris
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I know that this is a somewhat open ended quation but I am trying to understand how many shutdown planners should we have in our business.

I am fully aware that it is dependant on many factors including:

  • skill level of the planner
  • System health of the CMMS
  • Quality of planning/work management/shutdown processes
  • Maturity of the business

That being said I am trying to answer the question posed by my leadership team as to wether we have the right amount of people. When looking at the weekly planning function we have a current ratio of 1:23 which when placed in the global benchmarking bracket that I have been able to get my hands (see below image I put to represent) on says that we are sitting somewhere in the middle although our processes are immature, our system is not help but actually impeding and the skills of the team are sitting somehwere below mid range.



The thing that I can't seem to find is any benchmarking on how many people our shut planning team should be working with or even if hours of planned effort or at least something that I can measure ourselves against.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 8 weeks 10 hours ago. Offline
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Hi Aaron

As I  understand your question a "shutdown" is when power is switched off so that work can be carried out on an otherwise live cable.

If this is because of pre planned maintenance then 1 planner can cope with your entire system by balncing gangs with the workload. Resource levelling would do this automatically once the system is set up.

Emergency shut downs are different because of their nature. Even so your 1 planner can attend the emergency diversion of resources.

So if you currently employ 10 planners you can safely chose the best one and sack the other 9.

Best regards

Mike Testro