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Using Import to Update existing schedule

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Rodney Jones
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Hi All,


I am having trouble with the import to update an existing schedule. I have set the Update criteria for Activities to:

Update Existing and Selected the checkbox to Delete (if not in new schedule).


But the Delete isn't deleting.


V23.12, EPPM runing client version of same on laptop.


Very confused as to why this isn't working.



Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Rod,

Yes, you are correct. The selected items are activity-related and will be automatically deleted if they are not found in the new record import and it works on me. 

Another option you can choose is to use the 'Replace Existing Project' import action instead of selecting 'Update existing Project'. This will provide an exact copy of the imported Project.

Please Note: this import action will delete the whole copy of existing project including the baseline.

Rodney Jones
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Hi Rodel, nice to chat with you again and thank you for your reply however, when looking at these settings (pic attached), I am understanding that the delete function is directly relating to the Activity. Am I misunderstanding the Oracle instructions?



Rodney Jones
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Hi Rodel, nice to chat with you again and thank you for your reply however, when looking at these settings (pic attached), I am understanding that the delete function is directly relating to the Activity. Am I misunderstanding the Oracle instructions?



Rodney Jones
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Hi Rodel, nice to chat with you again and thank you for your reply however, when looking at these settings (pic attached), I am understanding that the delete function is directly relating to the Activity. Am I misunderstanding the Oracle instructions?

So even though I have selected Update the Activity and checkboxed Delete (if not in new import) the activities that should be deleted (identified by running Visualiser comparison beforehand), are not being deleted.



Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Rod,

Please note that the Delete field applies only to relationships with external projects, thresholds, activities, activity relationships, and activity resource assignments. Global data types are not affected by this setting.