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Senior Planner, Morgan Sindall plc, New MAFA

START Date: 
September, 1978

Construction Industry since leaving college with Civil Engineering degree.

Worked in railway & building envirionments with new build, refurbishment, LUL and NR.

Worked with JCT, ICE and NEC forms.

Started as site S/O engineer through sub-agent, agent, Proj Mgr, Snr Proj Mgr, Contracts Manager before changing focus to Planning.

Currently Senior Planner in Rail sector of Infrastructure business.

Senior Planner, Morgan Sindall plc, New MAFA

START Date: 
September, 1978

Construction Industry since leaving college with Civil Engineering degree.

Worked in railway & building envirionments with new build, refurbishment, LUL and NR.

Worked with JCT, ICE and NEC forms.

Started as site S/O engineer through sub-agent, agent, Proj Mgr, Snr Proj Mgr, Contracts Manager before changing focus to Planning.

Currently Senior Planner in Rail sector of Infrastructure business.

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