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Approved vs Received for Record vs other terminology

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John Reeves
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Approved vs Received for Record , what is the difference?  which do you see / use more? what else do you see.  I have been on both ends of it.  Probably the one that I have seen and also use the most is Approved as Noted - because there are so many variables that people find some to critique, in fact they feel like they are not doing there job if they don't find something to tell you to change.  (work was almost more efficient in the age of the typewriter - because nobody wanted to change things as much, a lot more work.)


Zoltan Palffy
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Approved means it was reviewed and the reviewer found no erros and have BOUGHT into it.

Received for Record means they have recored that they have received but do not necessarily BUY INTO IT its a CYA

Also sometimes an updated  schedule must be submitted witha payment application or before a payment application can be processed. This forces the updating of a schedule and if the schedule is significantly behind schedule then retention can be with held on the payment application.