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My Proposed Amendments to Project Management Practice

2 replies [Last post]
Stephen Devaux
User offline. Last seen 37 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Mar 2005
Posts: 667

I believe that the way we practice project management needs improvement. There are a lot of things that could be done better – but I decided to assemble a little list of a double handful of changes/enhancements that I believe, were they to be implemented, would have a major beneficial impact on the way projects are performed.

You can find the article here:

Fraternally in project management,

Steve the Bajan


Stephen Devaux
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Posts: 667

Rafael, whenever I see that you or Mike Testro has made a comment in one of my threads, I kinda hold my breath. It's not that the two of you are at all unreasonable or ill-mannered -- quite the contrary, you are discerning and constructive.

Both of you also know more about both PM software and about practical application of PM (at least in construction) than I do, as most of my practical experience has been limited to consulting -- valuable, yes, but not quite the same as actually running the project.

As a result, I always take a breath of relief when your comments are positive. I regard it as a high compliment here at PlanningPlanet.

So thanks for this comment.

Fraternally in project management,

Steve the Bajan 

Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 2 days 8 hours ago. Offline
Joined: 1 Mar 2004
Posts: 5233

No 2 and no 9 are my favorites, in no way exclisive of each other, on the contrary to better understand one the other is needed.

Best Regards,
