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Opening P6-SQL-Datababase with Excel

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Hannes de Bruyne
User offline. Last seen 1 year 35 weeks ago. Offline
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some time ago, I wrote that opening the SQL-database with Excel or Access is quit easy and promissed to explain how. I did not find the time untill now, so here is a short explanation for Excel 2007:
Use the Menu:

The Servername is YourComputername\primavera
and: Use Windows Access Rights
(for YourComputername see the programm SQL Server Studio express)

Select database: PMDB
Select List e.g. Project (not the one with the double window-symbol but with the singe window)

This must be repeated for other lists like Task or WBS and WBSBudget, then links can be created with "=lookup()" .

Access-Description will follow.
