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As-Built Activities in Critical Path

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Kashyap Mothali
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Why is it that sometimes as-built activities appear on the Critical Path/ Longest Path?

Also, when they do, why don’t they back up all the way to the begining of the Critical Path/Longest Path?

I normally filter these out, but i am curious as to why this happens.

Pleae advice. Thanks,



Ronald Winter
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Any completed activity that is logically included in the current longest path is reported as being on the longest path. To not do so would leave a gap in the longest path. P3 identified this activity while tracing the controlling predecessor back from the last activity in the schedule. P3 stops tracing the controlling predecessors when it reached the last unfinished activity in this chain.

This technique does not allow for the identification of a longest path for completed activities with an internal scheduled start ‘before the data date’ otherwise. Good question!