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PrimaveraReader - a cost-effective reader for XER schedules

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Joel Roberts
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Joined: 17 Mar 2017
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Edit; ScheduleReader™ (previously PrimaveraReader™) has been rebranded, please see

Are you a planning professional who operates with complex schedules for a large construction projects?

Do your project team members and project leads only need to view and print the XER files?

Then you should try our reader for Oracle® Primavera P6 schedules - PrimaveraReader™.

PrimaveraReader gives you the ability to view project details for specific calendars, provides transparency between all projects in similar environments and ensures on time and on budget completion. In the same time it can save you up to 90% on software licensing costs for the whole project team, no matter the size or the organizational structure.

This viewer goes hand-in-hand with Oracle® Primavera P6 schedules. It is a great solution to get a visual breakdown of your schedule, with the ease of exporting your projects as an .xer , .xml or .xls file with the most accurate project data.


1. Saves schedulers time and allows sharing plans in XER format without exporting to PDF;

2. Dynamic overview of project details with personalized views and customization options;

3. Improves efficiency with baseline comparison on the activity updates from previous schedule version;

4. Auto and custom filtering for easy navigation through activities;

5. NEW - Progress Update reduces the manual workload and simplifies the way to update the task status.

6. Dynamic Reports with the click of a button.


For more information you can visit product’s website.


If you want to experience PrimaveraReader with all its features you can use the FREE TRIAL period of 15 days on the following link or you can buy it for the price of $349 USD which includes 1 Year of Support and Free Upgrades.


The solution is also available in a PRO version, featuring Dynamic Reports and Dashboard for the price of $459 USD which includes 1 Year of Support and Free Upgrades.


PrimaveraReader™ is not a product of Oracle®, nor it is endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with or by Oracle. Oracle® and P6® are registered trademarks and brands of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.