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Editing User Rights in Asta PowerProject Enterprise

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Ben Bull
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Hi All,

I am looking for some help, i have been using Asta for around 18 Months and have recently been given the task of improving the way we use Power Project, it is on Enterprise.

I have reduced the amount of user views we had in the sytem (Approx. 140) we only needed 10 of these.

I now want to remove the rights for users to add and edit the existing views, i have tried all options i can think of in the Admin section of the Code Library.

Does anyone know how this can be done?

Many Thanks



Mike Testro
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Hi Ben

This is done in Library Explorer - Users.

If you are genuinely on Enterprise software - not just clicking the Enterprise button - you can add users and their access rights immediately after the Admin Default.

Best regards

Mike Testro