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P3 & Neural network

5 replies [Last post]
emin simsek
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I am working on project that merge neural network algorithms (not decided yet). Although I haven’t a frame about project but topic is defined only, I want to benefit from P3’s cost control management. If anyone works such things we can talk about it...
Best wishes.


Barrie Callender
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Hi Andy,

I remember talking with the developers at IMC (they wrote CM) about the respective routines for spreading values across dates. Apparently the CM values are more accurate.

I will try and see if anyone I know has information on the 6 versions of these products. Do you know if PM is more accurate than CM or do you just know they are different?

One thing for sure is the best combination is P6 PM and Deltek Cobra - and yes they can talk before everyone gets in a hissy fit. :-)
Andy Parkes
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Barrie, A long time since you posted this message, but I’ve searched for any reference to Cost Manager...

We’re trying to implement the software but we’re finding some inconsistencies between PM 6.2 and CM 6.2 - specifically if user defined Calendars or Resource Curves or future period bucket values are used in PM - the Cost calculation doesn’t spread accurately in CM.

Have you experienced this? Did you find a work around? Are you still using Cost Manager?


Barrie Callender
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Primavera Cost Manager was created completely independantly of Primavera and badged engineered by them. Despite a user interface that takes a while to get used to, it is very powerful and a very good Cost Management tool. I used it extensively whilst implementing a large EVMS system in the USA.

John Lawson
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Fully agree with Rashid - however if you need a cost control tool perhaps try looking at a product called "Cost Manager". This is sold under the Primavera name and is said to be fully intergrated into their scheduling software.


Rashid Iqbal
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Dont take P3e/c as a Cost Control tool, it is a scheduling software, and to an extent, can be used for performance measurement. In short, if you are looking for performance reporting for direct costs/hours then it will work fine else putting it in the cost control would be an abortive effort.
