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How to add my own legend items to MSP?

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Bob Duncan
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I have colour coded my GANNT chart entries to indicate priority of task.
I want to show this in the legend. How can I customise the MSProject Legend in this manner?



Will Russell
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It’s all in the Bar Styles - if you put the appropriate coding in the Bar Styles then they will appear in the legend, but beware, if the colour coding you’ve used is on an individual basis then this won’t work.
What you might have to do is actually use a code, for example a number or flag field, to let MSP know which bar you want in which style and then use the bar styles to customize your bars. Another word of warning here, MSP goes down the list and applies the styles as it goes, so you have to think about which order to put these styles in in the Bar Styles box.
Ronald Winter
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Five questions in a row from the same person at the same time.... This kind of looks like someone has some homework to do that might best be done by someone else.