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Critical Factors for Project Success in Plan-Driven and Agile Methods

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Moritz Hartmann
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Dear planning planet community, 

together with Prof. Dr. Nils Urbach and Jan Jöhnk from Fraunhofer Project Group Business & Information Systems Engineering, we are working on a research project on success factors for plan driven and agile projects, which needs your support. 

Initially, we identified critical success factors for both methods from scientific and practitioner literature. In this survey, we aim at evaluating these factors in terms of their influence on projects conducted with plan-driven or agile methods. 

Therefore, our survey aims to answer the following research question: 

Which influence do the identified factors have on projects conducted with plan-driven or agile methods? 

Based on these results, we plan to develop a decision model to choose between plan-driven and agile methods. Completing this questionnaire will take you about 10 minutes. 

In case you have any questions or if you are interested in our results, please feel free to contact me. 

Moritz Hartmann

Thank you very much for your help!