Guild of Project Controls: Compendium | Roles | Assessment | Certifications | Membership

Guild of Project Controls Consulting Services

The Guild of Project Controls (GPC) utilises experienced Competency Certified senior practitioners to carry our various tasks and assignments.  

Why should these services be credible?

All assessments are part of the Guild of Project Controls Certifications and membership deliverables which have been proven, written and tested by subject matter experts from the global Project Controls community worldwide. As such, we are confident of our ability to give a realistic view in terms of a comprehensive evaluation. 

Amongst those services we can offer an independent view of your employees through the following: 

(1) Self-Assessment – how do your employees view their strengths and abilities?

  • Provision of GPC Membership and access to Guild Members’ Self-Assessment Tool to help practitioners investigate their strengths and weaknesses against the 12 Project Controls knowledge domains from Guild Compendium (i.e. controls, people, scope, contracts, resources, planning, cost, progress, change, databases and claims)
  • GPC will provide 12 radar charts showing candidate self-perception of strengths in regard to their knowledge and capability
  • GPC will rank groups of employees by project, department, region or company-wide using these assessments

(2) Online Knowledge Test – is the self-assessment accurate?

  • Provision of online computer test offering questions to validate the KNOW and UNDERSTAND capabilities in relation to Planning, Cost, Claims or Project Controls (a combination of all three). This test utilizes part of the GPC competency Certification Knowledge Base and question pool
  • GPC will rank order practitioners by test grade if desired

(3) Independent Expert Review – the detailed assessment of your practitioner pool 

  • GPC will provide an Independent Expert to interview each employee to gain an independent view or perspective following a detailed appraisal process – to Certification Standards
  • GPC will provide a report with Self-Assessed Score plus the Expert Interview Score, Variance and Overall Score for the 12 Project Controls knowledge domains from the Guild Compendium (Standards) these areas are: i.e. controls, people, scope, contracts, resources, planning, cost, progress, change, databases and claims etc
  • GPC will rank groups of practitioners by each of their 12 scores or by an overall score as well as by project team, region or company-wide 

To learn more about these or to request a bespoke Consulting Service please contact