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Changing Font on Legend Box of Histograms

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John McDonald
User offline. Last seen 14 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Aug 2005
Posts: 6
Hiya all,

Ok 1st time using the Primavera Look Histograms for published graphics as usually export to Excel on a baseline. Anyway this one is live and on a daily update so I want them fast yet legable.

Having a nightmare as I need to grab and change each text box on the look file as I cant find where I can change this in options. Any ideas or hints greatly appraciated


Praves Suppa
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Prior printiing out in Primavera Look u can choose Menu => Tools => Graphic Report => Resource and Cost..
I guess that u have set the graphic report format.. just click the item u made... Click "Modify" Button
There are Tab Sheets named "Pen" and "Size" which u might choose the font format and sizing..

Hope it can help u more than do nothing..

Best Regards,
